In August of 1866, independent American oil producers met in Titusville, PA and agreed that the 42 gallon barrel would be the industry standard in the U.S.A. The use of a blue barrel, abbreviated "bbl," guaranteed a buyer that this was a 42-gallon barrel. Standard Oil began manufacturing 42 gallon barrels that were blue to be used for transporting petroleum. The extra 2 gallons was to allow for evaporation and leaking during transport (most barrels were made of wood). This was 2 gallons per barrel more than the 40-gallon standard used by many other industries at the time. By the early 1870s, the 42-gallon barrel had been adopted as the standard for oil trade.
gallons follows : In the early 1860s, when oil production began, there was no standard container for oil, so oil and petroleum products were stored and transported in barrels of all different shapes and sizes (beer barrels, fish barrels, molasses barrels, turpentine barrels, etc.). One story relating the origin of the unit “bbl” and the measure of 42 U.S. You have probably noticed that the unit for barrel, “bbl,” has two “b’s”, while the word for barrel only has one. oil and gas industry is the Barrel (bbl) for liquids and the cubic foot (ft 3) for gases. The standard measure of volume in the U.S. (Systeme Internationale) system are used. In the international oil and gas industry, the metric system or the related S.I. These units are often called Oilfield Units. The domestic United States oil and natural gas industry uses a very specific set of measures and units that were common at the dawn of the industry and, at least in the U.S., have been retained and expanded upon over the years.